Therapy that Works for You

Traumatic Experiences
Experiencing events or periods of trauma that threaten your sense of safety and integrity leaves a mark on your life. Some of these marks become scars, while others never heal – continuing to haunt and cause you pain. I have specialized training in evidence-based treatments for PTSD and complex trauma. In treatment, I believe in following your pace for making changes. Exposure to traumatic memories can be a daunting task and it is critical that you feel ready and safe as you embark on such a therapeutic journey. The hard part about PTSD is that it does not respond as well to standard talk therapy and a more targeted treatment is often recommended. Once you decided that you were interested in addressing the aftereffects of trauma, we would complete a thorough assessment and determine the best approach for you given your history and needs.
Alcohol and Drug Use
It is critical that your substance misuse treatment is tailored to your particular goals and needs. It is a collaborative process, during which I help you determine what kind of a relationship you want to have with substances, whether it is moderation, abstinence, reduction, or a combination of these goals. Once you have a clear sense of what changes you'd like to make, we identify the strategies that would be helpful in achieving your substance use goals. People often find a combination of practical tools and insight into the roots of problematic substance use the most helpful as they work towards sustainable changes.

Relationship Difficulties
Interpersonal conflict is part of being human. However, sometimes it becomes difficult to break the cycles of antagonistic relationships in our lives. During these times, it can be helpful to take a step back and re-evaluate your relationship needs and goals. Therapy can help you identify and change those interpersonal patterns that have been interfering with your efforts to lead a happy, fulfilling life.
Evidence-based Therapy
I have extensive training in the following treatments and therapeutic approaches:
Psychodynamic Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
Motivational Interviewing
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Telehealth Services
In special circumstances, coaching services may be available via a secure video-call platform. Call me to inquire.